Héctor Sánchez

Phone:+52 (55) 5258-1048


Phone:+52 (55) 5258-1048

  • Practices
  • Industry Groups
  • Education & Experience
    • Specialization in Prevention and Prosecution of Operations with Illegally Sourced Funds, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales, Mexico City.
    • Summer School, Munich University Summer Training in German and European Law (MUST), Munich.
    • Law Degree (J.D.), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City.
  • Affiliations & Academic Activities
    • Member of the Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact (AMIA), since 2024.
  • Languages
    • Spanish, English and German.
  • Héctor is an associate at Von Wobeser y Sierra. He is part of the Energy & Natural Resources and Real Estate practices.

    His practice focuses on advising national and international investors on regulatory compliance and mitigating legal and contractual risks related to the development, construction, operation, and maintenance of infrastructure projects in the electric power industry and the hydrocarbons sector. Héctor has experience in obtaining, modifying, and ensuring compliance with governmental permits and authorizations before various authorities at all three levels of government. Additionally, he has conducted legal audits on infrastructure projects focused on energy, environmental, and real estate matters to identify contingencies and mitigate risks. He has negotiated contracts for the financing of energy generation projects using both renewable and conventional sources, electricity supply, energy and associated products, natural gas transportation, as well as the acquisition of real estate rights within the civil and agrarian legal frameworks for project development.

    He co-authored an article in the Abogado Corporativo magazine of the Mexican Association of Corporate Counsel (ANADE) on the discharge of wastewater into federal receiving bodies and is an active member of the Mexican Academy of Environmental Impact (AMIA).