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Minimum Wages 2021
December, 2020

Yesterday, the National Minimum Wage Commission [Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos] (CONASAMI) approved the increase of the minimum wages, which will go into effect on January 1, 2021.

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Reform of the Pensions System
December, 2020

Today the Decree reforming the Social Security Act and the Retirement Savings System Act (hereinafter, the Reform) was published in the Official Federal Gazette, which amends the current pensions system.

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Suspension in the activities of the Mexican Antitrust Commission and its procedures
December, 2020

The Board of the Commission in its exceptional session held on December 7, which was published in the Official Gazette on December 11,1 decided that January 4 until January 8, 2021, will be considered as nonworking days. In addition, from December 14 until December 18, 2020, and from January 11 until January 15, 2021, (the “Suspension Period”) all times and terms will be suspended, except those related to merger control procedures and the issuance of opinions or decisions in the granting of licenses, concessions, permits and similar procedures.

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The deadline for Congress to regulate various uses of cannabis extended again
December, 2020

Today the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) again extended, until April 30, 2021, the deadline for the Congress to issue a law regulating the various uses of cannabis. As we anticipated, it was very difficult for the Congress to issue a new law that could satisfactorily address the interests and expectations of the social, political and economic sectors involved by December 15, 2020. The SCJN based the extension granted on the health emergency caused by Covid-19 and on the need for the Deputies Chamber to have sufficient time to complete its work.

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Home Office reform bill approved
December, 2020

Yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Bill reforming article 311 and adding Chapter XII Bis to the Federal Labor Act, in order to regulate home office (hereinafter, the Bill), imposing certain obligations on the employers that implement this form of work.

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Third Resolution of Modifications to the Omnibus Tax Bill for 2020
November, 2020

This past November 18th the Third Resolution of Modifications to the Omnibus Tax Bill for 2020 (“Third Resolution”) was published in the Official Federal Gazette, which primarily contains the rules applicable to the disclosure of reportable schemes.

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The Senate approves the regulation of cannabis
November, 2020

The Senate of the Republic approved the draft issuing the Federal Cannabis Regulation Act, which will go to the Deputies Chamber for discussion and/or modification and eventual approval. While the report did not satisfy the expectations of all the political, economic and social sectors involved, it is a plausible beginning on the road to liberating certain uses of cannabis. The following seem to us to be the most relevant points of the draft:

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The times are reduced for the sanitary registration in Mexico of certain medicines and health products
November, 2020

Yesterday the “Ruling establishing administrative measures for facilitating the processing of the sanitary registration of medicines and other health products from abroad” was published in the Official Federal Gazette, under which the Federal Commission for Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) must resolve the requests for sanitary registration of certain medicines and health products from abroad in a maximum period of 5 business days. Otherwise the registration request will be understood as approved.

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Tax implications of the subcontracting reform bill
November, 2020

This past November 12th, the Federal Executive presented to the Chamber of Deputies the “Bill with Draft Decree reforming, adding and derogating various provisions of the Federal Labor Act, the Social Security Act, the National Workers Housing Fund Institute Act, the Federal Tax Code, the Income Tax Act and the Value Added Tax Act” (“Bill”).

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Imminent regulation of the various uses of cannabis in Mexico
November, 2020

The Senate of the Republic initiated the process of discussing a law to regulate the various uses of cannabis. In principle, the purpose is to comply with a series of judicial decisions and proceedings that declared the unconstitutionality of the absolute prohibition of the personal use of the product and required the issuance of the necessary guidelines for its medicinal use. However, the legislative discussion also seeks to respond to the demands of an important part of the society to liberalize its use.

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