Enrique Riquelme

Phone:+52 (55) 5258-1039


Phone:+52 (55) 5258-1039

  • Practices
  • Education & Experience
    • Certification in Oral Litigation Skills, California Western School of Law, San Diego, California.
    • Diploma in Inter-American Human Rights System, Implementation of Human Rights in the Internal Sphere and International Criminal Law, American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, DC.
    • Master of Laws (LL.M.), Criminal Procedure Law, Instituto Nacional de Estudios Superiores en Derecho Penal, Mexico City.
    • Law Degree (J.D.), Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
  • Affiliations & Academic Activities
    • Professor of Criminal Procedure Law, Universidad Iberoamericana, since 2018.
    • Member of the Mexican Bar Association [Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados], since 2018.
  • News
  • Languages
    • Spanish and English.
  • Enrique is counsel at Von Wobeser y Sierra. He is part of the Anticorruption & Compliance and Litigation practices.

    Enrique has ample experience conducting and participating in sensitive internal investigations with forensic experts, in-house counsel, and special committees in matters involving high management embezzlement, theft, tax fraud, forgery, corporate misconduct, and corruption.

    At our firm, Enrique regularly assists international companies in the automotive, services, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing sectors involved in data breaches, seizure of assets, frozen accounts, and aggressive investigations from specialized enforcement agencies.

    Clients frequently seek Enrique’s advice for crisis management issues when facing imminent enforcement action that may disrupt their operations. In recent years, Enrique has helped clients of our firm immediately comply with requests by Mexican law enforcement agents and has successfully preserved the continuity of our clients’ business while cooperating with authorities.

    In his more than ten years of acting as defense counsel, Enrique has appeared at all stages of federal and state law enforcement in criminal proceedings, including trials, appeals hearings, and constitutional challenges against convictions, representing corporations and their executives.

    Enrique’s capabilities offer a unique strength in the resolution of white-collar matters for VWyS clients, offering them the possibility to prevent, investigate, pursue, prosecute, or defend any criminal matter.