Declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic as a serious illness and advanced response measures

Today a resolution was published in the Official Federal Gazette in which the General Health Board recognizes the epidemic caused by the virus SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19) as a serious illness requiring priority attention and establishes the preparatory and response actions for the epidemic.

Through the resolution, the Board not only sanctions various preparation, prevention and control measures for the epidemic already designed, coordinated and supervised by the Ministry of Health and implemented by various governmental entities, but also indicates that it will be that Ministry which will define, by consensus with the other competent entities, the necessary measures for the prevention and control of the epidemic, including their dates of initiation and termination, as well as their territorial coverage.

Technically, this resolution does not imply the exercise of the Extraordinary Action in General Health Matters by the Ministry of Health, and therefore it does not trigger the exercise of the powers referred to in article 184 of the General Health Law, including the regulation and/or limitation of movement and/or meeting of people, land, maritime and air transit, as well as any other measure that the Ministry may consider appropriate.

To obtain additional information contact our experts:

Luis Miguel Jiménez, Partner: + 52 (55) 5258 1058 |

Rodolfo Trampe, Partner: +52 (55) 5258 1054 |

María de Lourdes Salazar y Vera, Associate: +52 (55) 5258 1058 |