Flexibility in the Prohibition on Temporary Importation of Textiles and Clothing under IMMEX Programmes

On 19 December 2024, a Decree published in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) prohibited the temporary importation of certain goods from the textile and clothing sector. This measure significantly disrupted industry operations, compelling companies to suspend activities and adjust their supply chains due to restricted access to critical inputs. The sector experienced widespread unease, raising concerns about the potential economic consequences of this provision.

In response to pressure from industry stakeholders, on 13 January 2025, the Undersecretariat of Industry and Commerce issued Official Ruling No. 400.2025.001, authorizing the temporary and exceptional importation of the affected goods under the IMMEX programme, subject to specific requirements. These requirements include submitting a formal written request to the Ministry of Economy (SE), providing access to the company’s inventory control system (Annex 24), demonstrating valid VAT and IEPS Certification without ongoing suspension or cancellation proceedings, and proving that the tariff items covered in the request were imported during the last calendar year.

This measure is strictly temporary, with significant consequences for non-compliance or errors in applications, as rejected requests cannot be resubmitted. The mechanism remains in effect only until 12 July 2025, emphasizing the urgency for precise and swift action to capitalize on this relaxation.

At VWYS, we have developed a comprehensive and effective strategy to ensure full compliance with the criteria established by the authority, enabling our clients to benefit from the temporary importation flexibility outlined in Oficio 400.2025.001.

For additional information, contact:

 Luis Miguel Jiménez, Partner: +52 (55) 5258-1058 | lmjimenez@vwys.com.mx

Lourdes Salazar y Vera, Counsel: +52 (55) 5258-1058 | mlsalazar@vwys.com.mx

Ileana Pantiga, Associate: +52 (55) 5258-1058 | ipantiga@vwys.com.mx

Fernando Mancilla, Associate: +52 (55) 5258-1054 | fmancilla@vonwobeser.com