Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds

The Tax Administration Service notified that a general extension to the deadline for the filing of notices is granted.

November 15th, 2013

On Friday, November 15, 2013, the Tax Administration Service notified, on its web page, that a general extension to the deadline for the filing of notices regarding the engaging in vulnerable activities, pursuant to Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds, is granted. Therefore, the new deadline for the filing of said notices is December 17, 2013

To review this publication, please consult the Money Laundering Prevention Portal available in the web page https://sppld.sat.gob.mx/pld/index.html.

For additional information, contact our experts:

Andres Nieto, Partner: anieto@vwys.com.mx

Luis Burgueño, Partner: lburgueno@vwys.com.mx

Luis Alberto King, Associate: lking@vwys.com.mx