Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds

The Regulations for the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds were published on the Official Federal Gazette.


August 22, 2013

On Friday, August 16, 2013, the Regulations for the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds were published on the Official Federal Gazette (the "Regulation"). Said Regulations will rule the application of the applicable dispositions of the Act.

To review a summary of the Regulations, please open the attachment or click here. To view the Regulation, click here.

For additional information, contact our experts:

Andrés Nieto, Partner: anieto@vwys.com.mx

Luis Burgueño, Partner: lburgueno@vwys.com.mx

Luis Alberto King, Associate: lking@vwys.com.mx