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Update: Fourth extension of the suspension of legal terms for the National Energy Control Center
June, 2020

Today, the “Fourth Ruling modifying the first article of the Ruling that declares the suspension of the time periods in proceedings carried out before the Administrative Units of the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”)”, from Thursday, March 26 through Sunday, April 19, 2020”. (the “Ruling”), was published in the Official Federal Gazette.

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Fifth extension of the suspension in the activities of the Mexican Antitrust Commission and its procedures
June, 2020

The Board of the Commission in its session held on June 8, which was published in the Official Gazette on June 12,1 decided that the initial (March 23 to April 17), the second (April 20 to April 30), the third (May 6 to May 29) and the fourth (June 1 to June 12) suspension of terms will be extended. In this regard and effective as of June 15, all times and terms will be suspended until June 30, 2020, excepting those related to merger control procedures and the issuance of opinions or decisions in the granting of licenses, concessions, permits and similar procedures.

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New extension of the suspension in the activities and deadlines of the Mexican Copyright Institute
June, 2020

Due to the COVID-19 contingency, on June 11, 2020, the official communication by which the Mexican Copyright Institute (INDAutor) extended the initial suspension of activities and terms that ran from March 26 to June 15, 2020 was published in the Federal Official Journal (DOF). In terms of this new official communication, the INDAutor will remain closed and the deadlines will be suspended until further notice.

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Bankruptcy and commercial electronic proceedings
June, 2020

On June 8, 2020, the Plenary of the Federal Judicial Council (“CJF”) entered the Decrees 12/2020, 13/2020 and 14/2020 (“CJF Decrees”) which state the work structure that the Federal Judiciary will adopt during the period from June 15-30, 2020, and also address the electronic processing of proceedings.

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Industrial Designs – Mexico joins the Hague System
June, 2020

Last June 6, 2020 Mexico joined the Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs.

Beginning on June 6, 2020, the national petitioners may make use of the Hague System to protect their industrial drawings and models in the territories of up to 89 countries, through a single international petition and the payment of a set of fees. Foreign petitioners now have the option of selecting Mexico to protect their industrial drawings and models under the Hague System.

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Head Partner of our Energy Practice, Edmond Grieger was interviewed by Mexico Business' Energy publication in a special article, Mexico’s Electric Grid: Matter of Contention.
June, 2020

Edmond Grieger, Partner at law firm Von Wobeser y Sierra, provides a different point of view. According to him, the government is putting up too many barriers toward the interconnection process despite private players making their best efforts to comply with extensive reinforcement works, which include transmission lines of over 80km.

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Update: General Provisions regarding the standardized computer application programming interfaces referred to under the Law for the Regulation of Financial Technology Institutions
June, 2020

On June 4, 2020, the National Banking and Securities Commission (the "CNBV"), through the Ministry of Finance, published the "General provisions regarding the standardized computer application programming interfaces referred to under the Law for the Regulation of Financial Technology Institutions" (the "Provisions") in the Official Federal Gazette (the "DOF").

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Possible restrictions on the advertising of food and non-alcoholic beverages that contain warning stamps and captions
June, 2020

The Federal Executive published on the page of the National Regulatory Improvement Commission (CONAMER) a Draft Decree amending various provisions of the Regulation of Sanitary Control of Products and Services (RCSPS) and the Regulation of the General Health Law in Advertising Matters (RMP) to align their content with the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, General labeling specifications for prepackaged food and non-alcoholic beverages – Commercial and sanitary information (NOM-051-SCFI-2010).

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Update: Third extension of the suspension of time periods for the National Hydrocarbons Commission
June, 2020

Today, the “Ruling modifying the ruling that declares the suspension of the time periods in proceedings carried out before the National Hydrocarbons Commission (“CNH”)” (the “Ruling”), was published in the Official Federal Gazette (“DOF”). 

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Update: Third extension of the suspension of time periods for the National Energy Control Center
June, 2020

Today, the “Third Ruling modifying article first of the ruling that declares the suspension of the time periods in proceedings carried out before the Administrative Units of the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”) from March 26 to April 19, 2020” (the “Ruling”), was published in the Official Federal Gazette (“DOF”).

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