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The preliminary version of the “Uniform Regulations” of the USMCA published
June, 2020

Yesterday the final texts of the “Uniform Regulations” contemplated for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) were published on the web page of the Mexican government, with respect to chapters 4 (Rules of Origin), 5 (Origin Procedures), 6 (Textile and Apparel Goods) and 7 (Customs Administration and Trade Facilitation) whose purpose is to clarify and complement various provisions contained in those chapters of the agreement.

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Extension of the suspension in the activities and deadlines of the Mexican Court of Administrative Justice
June, 2020

On June 3, 2020 the Ruling SS/13/2020 issued by the Plenary of the Superior Chamber of the Mexican Court of Administrative Justice (TFJA) was published in the Official Federal Gazette (DOF), by means of which the suspension of activities and deadlines has been extended; therefore, the TFJA will remain closed and the terms will be suspended until June 15, 2020.

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Update: Suspension of legal terms for the SEMARNAT and enabling of business days and hours for the ASEA and CONAGUA
June, 2020

On May 29, 2020 the Federal Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (“SEMARNAT”) published in the evening edition of the Official Federal Gazette the “Ruling indicating the days that will be considered as non-business days for the purposes of administrative acts and procedures carried out by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources and its decentralized administrative agencies, with the exception of the indicated procedures and acts” (“Ruling”).

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Update: Suspension of legal terms for the Federal Ministry of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Commission
June, 2020

On May 29, the following rulings related to administrative authorities of the energy sector, were published in the Official Federal Gazette:

i) Federal Ministry of Energy (“SENER”). “Ruling that modifies the ruling establishing the suspension of deadlines and legal terms in the Federal Ministry of Energy, as a preventive measure against the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic” (“SENER Ruling”).

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Page Knowledge Base – Pablo Jiménez: How a beer company can bring us together while we’re staying apart, 2020
June, 2020

Prior to joining our firm in 2021, our partner Pablo was the Global Vice President of Reputation and Communications at Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), the world's leading brewer. In this radio interview, Pablo reflects upon the challenges and opportunities that come with a global business whose operations are deeply connected to local communities.

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Extension of the suspension of the activities and terms of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property
June, 2020

On May 29, 2020, the official communication issued by Juan Alfredo Lozano Tovar, General Director of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) was published in the Official Federal Gazette (DOF), which extends the initial suspension of activities and terms due to the COVID-19 health contingency. In this regard, the IMPI will remain closed and the terms will be suspended until further notice.

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Publication of the Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities
May, 2020

Following up on our communication of May 20, 2020, please be informed that yesterday the Ministries of Economy, Health, Labor and Social Welfare, together with the Mexican Social Security Institute published, in the Official Federal Gazette, a ruling establishing the Specific Technical Guidelines for the Reopening of Economic Activities (hereafter Guidelines), which are intended to establish the specific measures that must be implemented in the framework of the general strategy for the New Normality.

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Fourth extension of the suspension in the activities of the Mexican Antitrust Commission and its procedures
May, 2020

The Board of the Commission in its session held on May 25, which was published in the Official Gazette on May 29,1 decided that the initial (March 23 to April 17), the second (April 20 to April 30) and the third (May 6 to May 29) suspension of terms will be extended. In this regard and effective as of June 1, all times and terms will be suspended until June 12, 2020, excepting those related to merger control procedures and the issuance of opinions or decisions in the granting of licenses, concessions, permits and similar procedures.

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Extension of the suspension of the terms periods of the CNBV
May, 2020

Today, in the Official Gazette of the Federation, the President of the National Banking and Securities Commission (“CNBV”) published the Ruling extending the term of the suspension of the terms with respect to the hearings, proceedings and procedures that are in progress, are carried out or must be carried out before the National Banking and Securities Commission, as well as the effects of the other provisions contained in the Ruling establishing the temporary and extraordinary measures and suspending some deadlines for the attention of the financial institutions and persons subject to the supervision of the National Banking and Securities Commission, due to the coronavirus known as COVID-19 (“Ruling”).

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Business days and hours are established for obtaining and renewing the Environmental Certificate and Certification of New Vehicles or new vehicles in plant
May, 2020

On May 25, 2020 the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (“SEMARNAT”) published on the webpage of the National Regulatory Improvement Commission (“CONAMER”) for draft bills, the “RULING approving days and hours for carrying out procedures to obtain the certificates established in the federal registry of procedures and services of the national regulatory improvement commission “PROFEPA-03-005 certification of new vehicles”, review, evaluation and, as the case may be, certification of new vehicles in plant, “PROFEPA-02-001 obtaining an environmental certificate” types A and C; and PROFEPA-02-002 request for the renewal of an environmental certificate”, types A and B” (the “Ruling”).

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