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Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. Best Places to Work LGBTQ+ 2022
December, 2021

We are proud to share with you that we received the recognition: “Best Places to Work LGBTQ+ 2022” By the Human Rights Campaign Foundation #HRCEquidadMX

Another judicial precedent towards liberalization of cannabis use
December, 2021

On December 1, 2021, the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) issued a decision that authorizes a single company to plant, cultivate and harvest hemp, with a concentration equal to or less than 1% of Tetrahidrocannabinol or THC, for the production of products for wide industrial use.

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Minimum wages 2022
December, 2021

Yesterday, the Council of Representatives of the National Minimum Wage Commission [Comisión Nacional de Salarios Mínimos] (CONASAMI) agreed on the increase of the minimum wages, which will go into effect on January 1, 2022.

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Modifications to the tax provisions for 2022
November, 2021

On November 12, 2021, the Decree (“Decree”) amending, adding and eliminating several provisions of the Income Tax Law (“IT”), Value Added Tax Law (“VAT”), Special Tax on Production and Services Law (“STPS”), and the Federal Tax Code (“FTC”) was published in the Official Federal Gazette (“DOF”), which, with few exceptions, will become effective as of January 1, 2022.

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Alberto Aguilar: Names, names and... names | Sustainability challenge to resources, Mexico long haul and Von Wobeser new group.
November, 2021

The law firm Von Wobeser y Sierra, headed by Claus Von Wobeser, has just formed a new practice group to support its clients on sustainability risks and opportunities.

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Auto parts companies could pay more income tax for their maquila operation in Mexico
November, 2021

Although the approved Economic Package for Fiscal Year 2022 did not increase the Income Tax rate (ISR) to be paid by legal entities, it does contain a modification whose practical effect will be that many Mexican auto parts companies pay more ISR for the maquila operation they carry out.

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ESG management: novelty or necessity?
November, 2021

If ESG is a process for managing risks, it is reasonable to anticipate that a solid process better prepares the company to face a crisis, says Pablo Jiménez Zorrilla.

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Bases for the import and regularization of used vehicles of foreign origin
October, 2021

On October 18, 2021, the “Resolution instructing the indicated agencies to take actions in relation to the definitive importation of used vehicles” was published in the Federal Official Gazette, in which the President of the Republic instructs certain governmental agencies to adopt measures for the regularization of used vehicles of foreign origin whose legal stay in the country cannot be proven.

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New Specialized Antitrust and Telecom Court
October, 2021

On September 22, 2021, the Plenary of the Federal Judiciary Council approved the creation and commencement of functions of the Third District Court in Administrative Matters, specialized in Antitrust, Broadcasting and Telecommunications (“Third Court”), residing in Mexico City and with jurisdiction throughout the Mexican Republic.

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Integrating effective ESG strategies for renewal energy projects in Mexico
October, 2021

Edmond Grieger of Von Wobeser & Sierra explains why an effective game plan is crucial for investors, sponsors and developers working on clean energy projects.
