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Temporary measures to mitigate severe droughts in Mexico
July, 2022

The General Resolution issued by the Water Commission (“CONAGUA”), to initiate a state of emergency due to severe, extreme or exceptional droughts in water basins for the year 2022, entered into force on July 13, 2022 (“2022 Drought Resolution”).

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Labor reform is postponed
May, 2022

Today the Decree modifying the entrance into force of the labor justice, union freedom and collective bargaining reform of 2019 in the last states of the country was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

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The Guide to Corporate Compliance; Edition 3 - Specialist Chapter How to Conduct Internal Investigations of Alleged Wrongdoing
May, 2022

In recent years, countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Peru, have revamped their anti-corruption laws to facilitate corporations’ prosecution and establish requirements or mitigation credit for companies’ anti-corruption compliance programs. Under Mexican law, when determining a corporation’s liability, law enforcement authorities must evaluate, among other aspects, the existence of proper controls within the company, such as adequate investigative methods. This has triggered a new form of corporate awareness in Mexico. Some companies are facing consequences for failing to comply with anti-corruption laws, specifically with the legal requirements, guidelines, and best practices to create and implement compliance programs.

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New rules impacting the operation of companies with IMMEX and PROSEC programs
May, 2022

Today the Ministry of Economy’s (SE) resolution issuing General Rules and Criteria in Foreign Trade Matters was published in the Federal Official Gazette and entered into force.

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Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. - WWL 2022 Mexico Report
May, 2022

We are happy to share that Who's Who Legal 2022 Mexico Report has recognized our partners for their excellent work in various practices including: Administrative Litigation, Arbitration, Commercial Litigation, Competition, Energy, Investigations, Labor & Employment, M&A and Governance, Restructuring & Insolvency.