The guidelines and criteria for granting clean energy certificates were modified by the Ministry of Energy

Dear clients and friends,

On October 28, 2019, the Ministry of Energy ("SENER") published in the Official Federal Gazette the "Ruling amending the Guidelines that establish the criteria for the granting of Clean Energy Certificates and the requirements for their purchase, published on October 31, 2014" ("Ruling") through which the criteria for granting the Clean Energy Certificates ("CELs") are changed primarily in benefit of the Federal Electricity Commission ("CFE") legacy power plants that generate electricity from clean energy sources (e.g. efficient cogeneration, nuclear energy, hydroelectric, etc.).

To read more, please click here to download the complete newsletter in PDF format.

For more information, please contact:

Edmond Grieger, Partner:
+52 (55) 5258 1048,
Ariel Garfio, Associate:
+52 (55) 5258 1048,
Rebeca Marquez, Associate:
+52 (55) 5258 1048,
Roberto Flores, Associate:
+52 (55) 5258 1048,

Kindest regards,

Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C.