Our Partners, Claus von Wobeser, Adrián Magallanes & Montserrat Manzano, give their insight in the Global Arbitration Review, offering a broad view on Commercial Arbitration in Mexico.
Our Partners, Adrián Magallanes and Diego Sierra contributed to Chapter 8, The Guide to Corporate Compliance: How to Conduct Internal Investigations of Alleged Wrongdoing in which they give their insights in regards to this topic and how it works in Mexico.
Our Head Partner of our Energy Practice, Edmond Grieger contributed to the American Bar Association's Special Edition, Legal Impact of COVID-19 in Mexico with an important article: Legal Consequences For The Mexican Energy Sector Due To COVID-19.
Our Partners, Claus von Wobeser & Montserrat Manzano, give their insight on Investment Treaty Arbitration in GAR Investment Treaty Arbitration - Mexico.
Our Partner, Diego Sierra gives his insight in regards to Mexico and anticorruption efforts in Global Investigations Review: The Practitioner's Guide to Global Investigations 2020.
Our partner Pablo Jiménez reflects on the opportunity that opens up in the midst of crises and the influence of organizational culture, perception and common sense in these situations when they impact companies.
Our Partner Diego Sierra describes the current scenario and latest trends of bankruptcy and restructuring in Mexico.
Our Partners Luis Burgueño & Andrés Nieto offer a panoramic view of the way investments have been carried out in Mexico recently, the legal framework, its source of procedence, and the day to day work surrounding the Private Equity practice in our country.
Our Partners Adrián Magallanes and Diego Sierra outline the current scenario regarding Litigation in Mexico.
Our Partner Fernando Carreño explains the relevance for companies to know and take specific measures in order to comply with the regulations in economic competition.
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