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Global Arbitration Review - Latin seats go mano-a-mano at GAR Live
October, 2013
A session on Latin America at GAR Live New York showcased the maturity of Latin American seats of arbitration and suggested the region is now a serious rival to Europe and North America.
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October, 2013

Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C. invites you to the following session.



October 9th, 2013

Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: The Von Wobeser & Sierra S.C. Office Building
Address: Guillermo González Camarena 1100, 7th Floor, Col. Santa Fe, Centro de Ciudad, Del. Álvaro Obregón, 01210 Mexico City.

Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. wins “Mexico Tax Firm of the Year 2013” from International Tax Review
September, 2013

Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. wins recognition as “Mexico Tax Firm of the Year 2013” from International Tax Review for its advice related to Anheuser Busch InBev´s acquisition of Grupo Modelo.

Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds
September, 2013

On August 23, 2013, the General Rules (the "Rules") to which the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds and its Regulation refers were published.

On August 23, 2013, the General Rules (the "Rules") to which the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds and its Regulation refers were published in the Official Federal Gazette. To read the complete text of Resolution 02/2013, on account of which the Rules are issued, click here.

The terms prefaced in uppercase that are not defined in this report, were defined in the report on the Act or in the report on the Regulation. To read the report on the Act, click here, to read the report on the Regulation, click here. Or, on the other hand, you may read the available digital version of these and other reports online at www.vonwobeser_pageysierra.com 

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Global Arbitration Review - Pemex award upheld in US despite set-aside in Mexico
September, 2013
A US court has confirmed an ICC award worth US$400 million in favour of US engineering firm KBR (COMMISA) Mexican state oil company Pemex, even though the award has been set aside at the arbitral seat in Mexico City.
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Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds
August, 2013

The Regulations for the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds were published on the Official Federal Gazette.


August 22, 2013

On Friday, August 16, 2013, the Regulations for the Federal Act to Prevent and Identify Transactions Involving Illicit Funds were published on the Official Federal Gazette (the "Regulation"). Said Regulations will rule the application of the applicable dispositions of the Act.

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3rd IAP North American & Caribbean Regional Conference
August, 2013
Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C. is honored to inform that Silverio Sandate was invited by The Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG), The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) and The Attorneys General Training and Research Institute (NAGTRI) to participate in The 3rd North American and Caribbean Regional Conference.
Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C. is honored to inform that Silverio Sandate was invited by The Conference of Western Attorneys General (CWAG), The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) and The Attorneys General Training and Research Institute (NAGTRI)   to participate in  The 3rd North American and Caribbean Regional Conference that took place in Providence, Rhode Island, on August 8th and 9th, 2013. Silverio was a panelist in the Plenary: Intellectual Property Theft Panel. The main topic focused on the difficulties of prosecuting cases related to counterfeiting and piracy activities.
Latin Lawyer - Von Wobeser helps Modelo bid farewell to football team
August, 2013
After handling Anheuser Busch InBev´s US$20.1 billion acquisition of Grupo Modelo - the biggest deal in Mexico´s history - Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C. has gone on to help the Belgian brewer sell the stake in a first-division Mexican football team it inherited through the transaction.
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Energy Reform Bill
August, 2013
The President of Mexico, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto introduced the reform bill to articles 27 and 28 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the so-called Energy Reform before the Senate of Mexico’s Federal Congress.
August 15th, 2013.
On August 12, 2013, the President of Mexico, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto introduced the reform bill to articles 27 and 28 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, the so-called Energy Reform before the Senate of Mexico's Federal Congress.
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Creation of the specialized courts and tribunals in antitrust, broadcasting and telecommunications
August, 2013
On August 9th, 2013, the Federal Judicial Council (“CJF”) published the General Agreement 22/2013, by which two new federal courts and two new federal tribunals with residence in the Federal District, and jurisdiction throughout the Republic, have been created.
August 13th, 2013.
On August 9th, 2013, the Federal Judicial Council ("CJF") published the General Agreement 22/2013, by which, in accordance with the recent constitutional reform regarding telecommunications and antitrust, two new federal courts and two new federal tribunals with residence in the Federal District, and jurisdiction throughout the Republic, have been created.
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