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Diego Sierra - Practical Law: Mexican court allows enforcement of arbitral tribunal´s provisional measure ex parte
July, 2013

In a decision dated 13 July 2012, but not published until February 2013, the Second Collegiate Tribunal in Civil Matters of the Third Circuit ruled that it can enforce a provisional measure ordered by an arbitral tribunal without giving the affected party an opportunity to be heard.

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Diego Sierra - Better Practices, Praxis: Anti-corruption practice
June, 2013
Be aware of the Mexican regulation to fight corruption in business.

Corruption acts lead to administrative and criminal sanctions, they affect the reputation of any company and they impact the business in a negative way.  Therefore, Mexican and foreign companies with branches in Mexico, no matter their line of business, must know the anti-corruption legal framework.  This will help them design, apply and enforce internal, severe and inflexible anti-corruption policies

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Ivan J. Romo - ABI Young & New Members Committee Newsletter, May 2013; Insolvency as a Prerequisite for Filing a Bankruptcy Procedure in Mexico
May, 2013

In 2000, Mexico published its new Mexican Bankruptcy Law (MBL) , which substitutes the one that governed bankruptcy issues since 1943. This new law was drafted based on the model law issued by the United Nations Comission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and Mexico was the first country that adapted its law to such model.

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Victor Ruiz - ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin; Taking Evidence in Latin America: Some Observations on Local Practices and Use of IBA Rules
May, 2013

The common law and civil law systems adopt contrasting approaches to the taking of evidence. The International Bar Association (IBA) Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration were developed to offer a neutral approach that would help to avoid the risk of cultural clashes between practitioners from different traditions.

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Claus Von Wobeser - Expert Guides, Commercial Arbitration; Evolution of Mexican Arbitration Law
March, 2013

Despite a legal tradition that has embraced alternative dispute resolution methods dating to the 17th century, Mexico has been somewhat slow to adapt to international commercial arbitration principles in its more recent history.

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Andrés Nieto & Maike Pröhl - International Law Office, Launching mandatory tender offers
February, 2013

Mandatory tender offers in Mexico are primarily regulated by Articles 95 and following of the Securities Market Law and its corresponding general provisions, applicable to listed companies and other participants in the securities market and issues by the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).

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Diego Sierra , Andrea Rivera - PLC Arbitration Multi-Jurisdictional monthly email, Mexico Supreme Court of Justice rules on public policy grounds to set aside award
January, 2013

PLC Arbitration Multi-Jurisdictional monthly email, Mexico Supreme Court of Justice rules on public policy grounds to set aside award.

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Edmond Grieger - Corporate Livewire, Round Table: Energy & Natural Resources
January, 2013

With 2012 having been the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Energy for all, we felt it was apt to look at just how successful the year has been in the Energy & Natural Resources sector.

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Jorge Ricardo Díaz Carvajal - International Law Office, Tax Considerations in M&A Transactions
January, 2013

Mexican tax laws have specific provisions regarding the merger of entities and the acquisition of shares or assets.

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Edmond Grieger & Virginia Cornett - World Financier, Global Reference Guide: Infrastructure & Project Finance
January, 2013

During the administration of President Felipe Calderón, a broad framework was set up to promote investment in renewable energy generation projects as part of Mexico´s infrastructure strategy.

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