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Luis Miguel Jiménez & Lourdes Salazar - International Law Office, Foreign Trade implications of M&A Transactions
January, 2013

The term, "mergers and acquisitions" involves several schemes of transaction (e.g, joint-venture, management buy-outs, takeovers and corporate reorganization) which often not only include the acquisition of a principal target company but may also affect one of the target´s subsidiaries.

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Luis Miguel Jiménez & Iván Romo - Bankruptcy Law, Legal Encyclopedia, Escuela Libre de Derecho
December, 2012

The fragile nature of the economy has been a matter of constant worry for States, companies, individuals involved in commercial activities as well students and the general population at large.

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Edmond Grieger - International Law Office, Environmental Liabilities in M&A Transactions
December, 2012

Following a global trend, environmental regulation plays an increasingly important role in Mexico at every level of jurisdiction (federal, state and municipal).

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Victor Ruiz , Diego Sierra - Practical Law Company, PLC Multi jurisditional,"Mexico Supreme Court shows deference towards arbitral tribunals absolute powers. "
December, 2012

"Mexico Supreme Court shows deference towards arbitral tribunal's absolute powers to admit and weigh evidence. "

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Claus von Wobeser - Latin American Arbitration & Investment, Latin American Investment Protections
November, 2012
Latin American Investment Protections: Comparative Perspectives.
Claus von Wobeser, Fernando Carreño, Andrés Nieto, José Palomar - The Law Review, International Investigations Review 2nd Editio, Mexico Chapter
August, 2012

Corporate Conduct and activities are supervised by various governmental bodies (mainly of an administrative nature) and this supervision varies depending on the business activity of the corporation in question.

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Fernando Carreño , José Palomar - The Antitrust Review of the Americas, Mexico:Antitrust Overview
July, 2012

In Mexico, antitrust regulation and investigations as a whole have recently been growing, both in number and in importance.

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