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Analysis of the administrative eases and tax incentives granted by several States of the Republic
April, 2020

Due to the recent economic and health situation facing the country as a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, several States have announced and published certain administrative eases and tax incentives (“Measures”), as our firm anticipated on April 11 in the note that can be consulted here.

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Legal Guide Regarding the Impacts of COVID-19.
April, 2020
Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. participated in the drafting of the Legal Guide Regarding the Impacts of COVID-19 in collaboration with Estándares Pro Bono México, Fundación Barra Mexicana, A.C., Fundación Appleseed México, A.C., Centro Mexicano Pro Bono, A.C. and Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UNAM.
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Update: Suspension of legal terms and deadlines for the Mexican Energy Control Center
April, 2020

On April 9, the Mexican Energy Control Center ("CENACE") published in the Federal Official Gazette the "Agreement that modifies the first article of the Agreement establishing the suspension of terms and deadlines in acts and procedures filed before the Administrative Entities of the National Center of Energy Control, from Thursday, March 26 through Sunday, April 19, 2020” ("Agreement").

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Economic aid and/or federal and state tax relief in response to COVID-19
April, 2020

As a result of the health state of emergency declared on March 30th of this year for the COVID-19 virus, the Federal Government and various States of the Mexican Republic have announced the granting of economic aid and/or tax relief, some of which have been published in the official gazettes of the states, which are listed below:

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Injunction granted in the amparo proceeding in relation to the powers of the Federal Executive contemplated by article 39 of the Federal Tax Code
April, 2020

By ruling issued on April 3, 2020, in the indirect amparo proceeding number 293/2020 processed before the Third District Court in the State of San Luis Potosi, it was determined to grant an injunction to a taxpayer.

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Essential activities regulated and supervised by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation are identified
April, 2020

A ruling by the Ministry of Communications and Transportation was published today in the Official Federal Gazette identifying the essential activities whose regulation, supervision and coordination that correspond to that ministry and that are not subject to suspension under the Ruling of March 31, 2020.

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Business days and hours are enabled for acts and procedures of the Federal Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
April, 2020

On April 6, 2020, the Federal Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources ("SEMARNAT") published in the Federal Official Gazette the "Agreement that enable business days and hours for the indicated administrative entities, in order to perform administrative acts regarding the acts and procedures referred” (the “Agreement”).

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Criteria applicable for labor extraordinary inspections during the contingency provoked by the presence of the COVID-19 virus
April, 2020

Please be informed that on March 31 and April 1, 2020, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, through the Federal Labor Inspection Office, issued the criteria applicable to carry out extraordinary inspections resulting from the declaration of a force majeure health emergency caused by the epidemic generated by the SARS-CoV2 virus (COVID-19).

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Update: Suspension of legal terms for the Energy Regulatory Commission
April, 2020

Today the Energy Regulatory Commission ("CRE") published in the evening edition of the Federal Official Gazette the "Agreement number A/014/2020 that modifies the agreement number A/010/2020 providing the suspension of deadlines and legal terms in the Energy Regulatory Commission” ("Agreement").

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The scope of certain activities not subject to suspension is specified
April, 2020

Today, a Resolution of the Ministry of Health was published in the Federal Official Gazette specifying the scope of certain essential activities not subject to suspension, contained in the Resolution of March 31, 2020 which establishes extraordinary actions to address the health emergency caused by the COVID-19 disease.

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