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COFECE publishes guidelines for the use of electronic means in its proceedings
March, 2023

On March 2, 2023, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (“COFECE”) published the Guidelines for the use of electronic means during the investigation, the sequel of the proceeding, the verification and the incidents processed before the Commission (the “GUIDELINES”), which provide new alternatives to submit documents, make notifications and carry out different proceedings (appearances as well as the presentation of testimonial, confessional, expert and ocular inspection evidence). In general terms, the GUIDELINES provide the possibility of using technological tools to process procedures electronically, benefiting users by reducing time and making processes more efficient.

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Energy Regulatory Commission’s legal deadlines and terms resume
March, 2023

On February 28, 2023, “Resolution No. A/004/2023 of the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”), resuming legal deadlines and terms in an orderly and staggered manner, which modifies Resolution A/001/2021 establishing the suspension of legal deadlines and terms, as a measure to prevent and combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19” (the “Resolution”), was published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”), thereby establishing that the deadlines and legal terms regarding the acts and procedures before the CRE that were suspended will resume as of March 1, 2023.

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Von Wobeser y Sierra has been ranked by Chambers and Partners Global 2023
February, 2023

Dear clients and friends:

We are pleased to share with you that Von Wobeser y Sierra has been recognized by Chambers and Partners Global 2023 in the following practices:

Modifications to the REPSE provisions
February, 2023

Dear clients and friends:

We inform you that on February 3, 2023, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare ("STPS") published in the Federal Official Gazette the Resolution modifying the guidelines of the general provisions for the registration of indi­viduals or legal entities that provide specialized services or execute special­ized works referred to in article 15 of the Federal Labor Law (the "Resolu­tion").

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Coming into effect of the Amendment to the Regulations of the General Law for Tobacco Control
January, 2023

Dear clients and friends:

Recently, the Amendment to the Regu­lations of the General Law for Tobacco Control came into effect.

Chambers: Litigation 2023 Mexico Guide
January, 2023

We are delighted to share the chapter that our partners Adrián Magallanes and Diego Sierra, together with our associate Rodrigo Barradas, contributed for the Chambers Litigation 2023 Guide.

Von Wobeser y Sierra recognized as a Pro Bono Leading Light 2022
January, 2023

We are proud to announce that, for the 11th consecutive year, Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C., has been recognized as a "Pro bono Leading Light 2022" by Latin Lawyer and The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice.

Deadline to file legacy claims under NAFTA’s sunset period approaches. Investors must evaluate their options quickly
January, 2023

Deadline to file legacy claims under NAFTA’s sunset period approaches. Investors must evaluate their options quickly

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New values of the UMA in effect as of February 1st, 2023
January, 2023

Today, the National Statistics and Geography Institute (INEGI for its initials in Spanish) published in the Official Federal Gazette the indexing of the values (daily, monthly and annual) of the Unit of Measurement and Indexing (UMA for its initials in Spanish), which will enter into force as of February 1st, 2023. Therefore, the new values of the UMA will be the following:

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New minimum wages as of January 1, 2023
December, 2022

Today the resolution of the Board of Representatives of the National Minimum Wage Commission (CONASAMI) that establishes the general minimum and professional wages that will be in force beginning on January 1, 2023, was published in the Official Federal Gazette.

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