Today, September 30, 2024, the Decree amending section VII of article 74 of the Federal Labor Law, establishing October 1 (formerly December 1), every six years, as a mandatory day off when it corresponds to the transfer of Federal Executive Power, was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (“DOF”).

This amendment is the result of the reform of article 83 of the Constitution, published in the DOF on February 10, 2014, which establishes that the President will take office on October 1st and will remain in office for six years. Likewise, on July 12, 2024, the DOF published the Decree amending the Second Article of the Decree establishing the Official Calendar, published on October 6, 1993, and its subsequent amendment, which states that October 1st will be a mandatory day off for the heads of the agencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, whose employment relations are governed by part B) of article 123 of the Constitution.

In this regard, it only remained pending to update and formalize the change in the Federal Labor Law. Therefore, as of this year, October 1st of every six years must be considered as a mandatory day off for both the private and public sectors.

If any worker renders services on October 1st, the corresponding payment must be made in accordance with the provisions of article 75 of the Federal Labor Law.

For further information, we share with you the link here to the publication in the DOF.

We would be glad to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in complying with Mexican law.

For additional information, please contact:

Rodolfo Trampe, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1054 |

Rafael Vallejo, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1036 |

Adrián Castillo, Counsel:+52 (55) 5258 1036 |

Alejandra Arizpe, Associate:+52 (55) 5258 1014 |

Sarah Gibert, Associate:+52 (55) 5258 1036 |

Santiago Torres, Associate:+ 52 55 5258 1054 |

Alejandro Pérez, Associate:+52 (55) 5258 1054 |

Ana Ruiz, Associate:+52 (55) 5258 1036 |

Pamela González, Associate:+52 55 5258 1039 |

Luisa Bravo, Associate:+52 55 5258 1054 |